Mutual Fund Distributors (MFD) Certification (NISM)
Fund Structure & Constituents
The mutual fund trust is created by
The Asset Management Company of a scheme is appointed by
The custody of the assets of the scheme (securities, gold related securities and real estate assets) are held by?
Mutual funds are constituted as
Mutual funds are constituted as trusts. Every trust may or may not have beneficiaries.
Day to day management of the mutual fund schemes is handled by the
The operations of the mutual fund are governed by?
Beneficiaries in the case of mutual fund trust are the investors who invest in various schemes of the mutual fund
The application to SEBI for registration of the mutual fund is made by the trustee
Stated below are some of the eligibility criteria for a sponsor. State which of them are true 1) Sponsor should be carrying on business in financial services for 5 years 2) Sponsor should have a positive net worth for each one of those 5 years 3) The sponsor should have earned profits, after providing for depreciation and interest, in three of the previous five years, including the latest year. 4) Sponsor needs to have minimum 50% share holding in the capital of the AMC
Anybody who has 40% share holding in the capital of the AMC is known as?
One of the eligibility criteria for a sponsor is, that he should have earned profits, after providing for depreciation and interest, in two of the previous five years, including the latest year. Is this statement true of false?
The minimum share holding percentage of a sponsor in the capital of the AMC
If an AMC has the intention of investing in its own schemes, it must disclosed in the offer document and once this is disclosed, the AMC can charge a fee for this investment.
The termination of the appointment of AMC can be done by which of the below stated persons.
Which of the statements are true to the fact in the case of a custodian?
Investor records of the Mutual fund are maintained by
The minimum net worth of the AMC is
The key role of selling suitable types of units to the investors of the mutual fund schemes is played by
The appointment of a RTA (Registrar & Transfer Agent) is handled by
SEBI regulations provide that if the sponsor or its associates control 50% or more of the shares of a custodian, or if 55% or more of the directors of a custodian represent the interest of the sponsor or its associates, then that custodian cannot appointed for the mutual fund operation of the sponsor or its associate or subsidiary company.
Once the custodian has been appointed by the mutual fund then a custodial agreement is entered into between which two parties?
Which of the following statements is true in the case of mutual funds?
The prior approval of the trustees is not required before appointment of a person as director on the board of the AMC
The prior approval of SEBI needs to be taken before a person is appointed a trustee.
Mutual funds in India are governed by
Most investor service centers are offices of