Special Features
20X higher growth for active platform users
Chennai IFAs share tips on leveraging OFA
Robo vs IFA: a reality check
Chennai IFAs discuss pros and cons of OFA
India’s hottest IFA app is getting even better
Just 5 points on the hottest IFA app
1300 subscribed IFAs, 30,000 client app downloads: this app has clearly come o..
1300 subscribed IFAs, 30,000 client app downloads: this app has c..
1300 subscribed IFAs, 30,000 client app download..
Will Google be able to locate your IFA business?
Will Google be able to locate your IFA business?..
Gajendra’s 10 commandments on transaction platforms
Gajendra’s 10 commandments on transaction platfo..
NSE NMF II – pros and cons
BSE Star MF – pros and cons
Why is no AMC promoting MF Utility?
Why do IFAs personalize everything else but this?
Why do IFAs personalize everything else but this..
Is Rs.6,000 just a teaser pricing for this platform?
Is Rs.6,000 just a teaser pricing for this platf..
Inspiring story of IFAs coming together for a new beginning
Inspiring story of IFAs coming together for a ne..
Ping, Portfolio, Price, People: 4 Ps that IFAs love in this platform
Ping, Portfolio, Price, People: 4 Ps that IFAs love in this platf..
Ping, Portfolio, Price, People: 4 Ps that IFAs l..
1266 distributors are actively using this platform
1266 distributors are actively using this platfo..
A touching real life story, with very valuable lessons
A touching real life story, with very valuable l..
Why are we IFAs wary of platforms?
NSE now in your pocket with this powerful new platform
NSE now in your pocket with this powerful new pl..
How do I choose the right platform for me?