imagePradeep Kumar Jain Ranchi
  B-15 champion guns for 1000 cr AuM
Can an IFA from a B-15 city even dream of an AuM of 1000 crs? Pradeep Kumar Jain is not just dreaming about it – he is meticulously going about setting the foundation for an explosive growth that will take him to that summit in the next 3 years. His MF business has come a long way in the last 4 years: from a Rs.50 cr AuM in Mar 2013 to Rs. 240 crs by Mar 2017 and a SIP book of Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs.2.40 crs in the same period. Its not just his daring goal of 1000 crs by 2020 that’s eye-catching – it is his very clear sense of how he is going to get there, which is truly noteworthy. The foundation of his ambitious goal lies in his very clear understanding of what the business of financial advisory is all about and what it is not

My 10 tips for IFAs to become champion salespersons
Pradeep Kumar Jain, Ranchi shares his 10 tips - his distilled learnings over the years - for IFAs to become champion salespersons and scale up their business rapidly

  My sales strategy rests on 3 pillars
Pradeep Kumar Jain, Ranchi, discusses the 3 pillars on which all his successful sales strategies are based

Teach IFAs to become champion salesmen, not great fund managers
Pradeep Kumar Jain, Ranchi says one of the key inputs given in BSL's IFA Advisory Council was that the industry must teach IFAs to become champion salesmen, not great fund managers

  4 hour service guarantee : taking customer service to the next level
4 hour service guarantee : Pradeep Kumar Jain, Ranchi takes customer service to the next level